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IPAF - Harness User (HU)
According to IPAF data, falls from the platform is one of the major causes of injury or fatality associated with using MEWPs. Awareness and understanding of how to correctly use a harness is critical to safe operation of boom-type MEWPs.
IPAF offers three harness courses to meet the needs of different candidates;
Harness Awareness Course (HA)
Harness User Course (HU)
Harness Inspector Course (HI)
HARNESS USER: You will learn...
- Select harnesses and lanyards for use in MEWPs
- Manage and supervise use of harnesses and lanyards for use in MEWPs
- Create safe systems of work for harness and lanyard use in MEWPs
- Use harnesses and lanyards in MEWPs
- Conduct pre-use checks of harnesses and lanyards for use in MEWPs
* The Harness User (HU) Course can be taken as part of the IPAF MEWP Operator Course as long as candidates have previously.
* You will have to have completed the HA course first to take this course.
All our training is provided by a third party via an IPAF Approved Training Centre.